How to Get Clear Skin

How to Get Clear Skin - The Secret to Clear Skin

How to Get Clear Skin

If you're looking for tips on how to get clear skin then this article will probably stand out from the rest. Unlike the other articles, I'm not going to insult your intelligence with miracle products to make a quick buck - what I've covered in this article is simply the best way to treat your acne that I have discovered after years of research.

I Suffered From Acne at a very Young Age

I started getting spots and what you would describe as mild acne at the age of 12, but little did I know then that it would progress into the much more serious case of cystic acne and that it would blight my confidence and put me at the centre of ridicule with my classmates.

Desperate to get rid of my cystic acne that was prevalent and highly noticeable on my face, chest and back I went to the local doctor at the age of 14 to get treatment. Over the course of the next 4 years I was prescribed all sorts of drugs and medication including erythromycin, tetracycline, benzoyl peroxide and even roaccacutane, but nothing worked.

I tried fasting, only eating vegetables, drinking gallons of water a day, supplementing with every single kind of vitamin I could find and I even starting putting odd mixtures such as psyllium husks on my face to help clear up my acne. Nothing worked. I decided to take matters into my own hands, did years of research on holistic remedies; I read everything I could find about the body and the root cause of spots and acne. It was only then that I started to make discoveries.

Here's what I learned - How to get clear skin

Through my extensive research, I found that acne is caused by excessive toxic buildup in the body. Toxins are poisonous, which is why your body will do all it can to remove them from the body.

In a healthy spot free person, these toxins would be excreted through the liver, kidney and bowels, however in the unlucky amongst us who suffer from spots one of two things is happening: either the level of toxicity is too high for all toxins to be removed from the body, or the organs aren't filtering the toxins to their full capacity.

If toxins can't be filtered out by the liver, kidney or bowels, then the only other way your body can remove these toxins from your system is through the skin. When that happens, pores become blocked, acne bacteria spread and spots break out.

To Get Clear Skin You Must Do The Following

Firstly, you must reduce the number of toxins that you are ingesting. It sounds easy but it is actually quite difficult because toxins can be caused through a wide variety of ways; poor diet, mercury tooth fillings, air pollution, chlorine in the swimming pool, allergic reactions, unbalanced hormone levels and even from Candida and leaky gut. The trick is to identify where the majority of your toxins are coming from and eliminate them. Some of this can be achieved through a blood test but often it requires a bit of experimentation through trial and error.

Secondly, you need to improve the filtering capacity of your internal organs. The best way to do this is to internally cleanse the kidneys, liver and intestines to remove all the stagnant bile that has built up over time. Don't underestimate the power of internal cleansing - when I did my first liver cleanse I felt incredible - my eyes glowed, my overall well being improved and my skin was so much clearer.

Everything else you read about applying substances to your face are only good for removing existing spots. Anything topical that you apply to the site of acne will not stop new spots from forming - for that you need to look deeper. If you reduce your toxicity and improve your liver, bowel and intestinal function then you'll have excellent results - I'm living and walking proof.

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