Facial Exercises

Facial Exercises For Cheeks

face exercises

The muscle associated with your cheeks is known as the Zygomatic Arch, through the two exercises detailed in this article you can tone, strengthen and lose fat from your cheeks.

Facial Exercises For Cheeks #1 "The Blowfish"

The first facial exercise for cheeks is known as "the Blowfish" The Blowfish works to reduce the fat and puffiness in your cheeks. It smooths them to form lean angles by highlighting the Zygomatic arch. This exercise for face muscle also help to bring out out and define your cheekbones.

Step 1 - Fill your left cheek with air to it's maximum capacity. Open the left corner of your mouth and use the muscles of your left cheek to push the air out, exerting as much force outwardly as you can.

Step 2 - Now switch sides and repeat with the right side of your face.

Facial Exercises For Cheeks #2 The Cheek Flattener

This is a very comprehensive facial exercise as it works your both the Orbicularis Oris muscle located around your eyes and the Modiolus muscle ob either sides of your lips as well as working your Zygomatic Arch muscle above your cheek bones. (do not worry about these names as you only need to know the exercises). The cheek flattener may take a while to get use to, but its the quickest way to get rid of cheek fat.

Step 1 - Close your mouth and blow air under your top lip, puffing it out hold for ten seconds.

Step 2 - Move the air to your left cheek, hold for ten seconds

Step 3 - Repeat for the right cheek and hold for ten seconds

Step 4 - Repeat this entire routine ten times.

Muscle Contraction

By doing these facial exercises for cheeks, which is taken from a proper face exercise program your muscles can become contracted and thus your facial skin will also contract, giving you a nice smoothing skin surface, which also reduces wrinkles.

How Is Fat Reduced By Cheek Exercises?

Most of the time, if fat is stored in your face, your cheek area is the first part of your face the fat will be stored through your calorie intake, the other is below your chin. You may have known that targeting a specific area to lose fat is impossible, this is true, however; you would also have known that muscle is very good at burning calories. For people who have a fat face but a skinny body, this means that the fat from their calorie intake is stored in their face before anywhere else. By strengthening and toning your face muscles, through facial exercises for cheeks and chin, this will reduce the the fat that is stored in your face, because the muscle burns calories really well.

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